
YSHS National Ranking: A Community Effort

CongrShelly 2atulations to the entire York Suburban community for the national ranking recently earned by our high school.  Newsweek magazine ranked York Suburban High School as 67th on its list of  the Top High Schools in America 2014  (see subsequent article for more details).  

Such distinction cannot be achieved without tremendous support from the community as a whole.  Thank you for your support and congratulations on being a part of such an honor!

 Earning such a distinction is a great source of pride, but it also comes with the recognition that there is more work to be done.  As we focus on our District Goals for the year, several exciting projects are beginning to take shape. 

NEW INITIATIVES:  The Early Learning Initiative Task Force is considering the ways and means to expand the learning opportunities for our youngest learners.  At the other end of the spectrum, the high school expects to have in place for the start of the 2015-16 school year at least four courses taught in a hybrid format —  a combination of on-line learning and more traditional classroom learning.  Additionally, the high school is working to open its campus to more experiential learning opportunities in the form of internships, work experiences, and service learning opportunities.

 The District is also working hard to build partnerships with our collegiate neighbors.  One exciting project under way with York College is to research the practices of the District and to develop a Communications Plan that will enhance our communication with all constituents.  We look forward to sharing more details as these exciting projects come to fruition. 

 The York Suburban School District treasures its strong tradition of excellence while recognizing the need for continued growth and development.  Your support is a valuable part of our past and future success.

Dr. Shelly Merkle


Getting Ready for a New School Year

As summer comes to a close, we anticipate the start of another exciting school year! 

Shelly 2Our teachers have been engaged in a variety of learning experiences throughout the summer and are fully prepared to implement exciting initiatives to enhance the learning experiences of all of our students.

Two of our teachers have earned doctoral degrees:  Dr. Christopher Rumbaugh and Dr. Sarah Rodenburgh.  York Suburban is proud to have six teachers with terminal degrees.  We are also welcoming  10 new teachers to the district and they bring a wealth of talent and new ideas.

The administrative team has been working hard all summer to prepare for the school year.  We are focused on four goals to ensure that York Suburban continues to provide an excellent education for all students:

  • Through the use of guided data analysis, each instructional level will identify and implement specific instructional practices that enable all students to demonstrate mastery of core content through critical thinking and the use of problem solving skills.
  • The district will identify the needs of underserviced students, and develop and implement plans to address these needs, while also improving communication with all parties, including students, staff, parents, and the community at large.
  • The district will explore the expansion of learning opportunities for students and staff and will investigate better utilization of the district’s available resources to effectively address identified instructional priorities.
  • The district will maintain a focus on fiscal responsibility, balancing educational needs with limited resources.

Join me in wishing our students and teachers a wonderful 2014-15 school year!


The York Suburban School District is pleased to announce three new administrative assignments.

 Mrs. Victoria Gross has been named to the position of Director of Educational Services.  In that capacity, Mrs. Gross will provide support in the areas of curriculum, assessment, school safety, diversity and personnel management for support personnel.  Mrs. Gross brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from her work as a building administrator.

 Dr. Scott Krauser has accepted the challenge of the position of  the York Suburban Middle School Principal.  Having served in the capacities of Assistant Principal at both East York Elementary and York Suburban Middle School, Dr. Krauser is well-prepared to tackle the challenges that come with this position.  We look forward to his energetic and focused leadership.

 To fill the position of York Suburban Middle School Assistant Principal, Dr. Todd Monos has joined the YS team.  Dr. Monos served as an elementary principal in the Northeastern School District.  His enthusiasm and fresh perspective have been a great addition to the administrative team.

Dr. Shelly Merkle


Congratulations to Graduates and Retirees

We are YS Proud!

 As the 2013-14 school year comes to an end, the York Suburban Shelly Merkle  12-02-13 editedcommunity has much to celebrate!

We are celebrating the graduation of a very talented group of young people who are well prepared to face the challenges ahead.  They have worked hard, performed well, and now it is time to share in their joy.  Congratulations to the class of 2014!  Best wishes for continued success.

 The York Suburban School District is celebrating the careers of eight retiring teachers:

Gabija Blotzer

Catherine Brown

Lindell Gladfelter

Billie Jean Jensenius

Linda Kim

Kay Matthews

Jane Piepmeier

Georgia Valero

Collectively, the district will be losing over 250 years of teaching experience.  The dedicated service of these fine teachers will be greatly missed.

 Additionally, the district is celebrating the careers of our retiring support staff:

Sharon Craumer

Karen Kibler

Carol Loucks

Kathy Meals

Warren Tyson

 As a community, we thank these dedicated staff members and wish them the very best in retirement!

 The summer weeks will be filled with planning for another great school year.  The administration and staff will continue to work hard to ensure the success of each and every one of our students.  It is our goal to make every member of our community YS PROUD!

YS Proud to be your Superintendent

At the March meeting, the York Suburban Board of School Directors appointed me to a three-year term as the Superintendent of the York Suburban School District.

Shelly Merkle  12-02-13 editedWhile I have been serving as the Acting Superintendent since November, I am delighted to move forward with the official appointment.  On April 10, I stood before Judge Stephen Linebaugh to be sworn in as a public official.  I took an oath to uphold the laws and regulations set forth by the Commonwealth. 

While many of you know me only as the voice behind the many snow calls this winter, I would like to share my background with you.  I have been working in the District for 24 years.  I began as a school counselor at York Suburban High School.  For eight years, I was a school counselor, department chair, and Student Council adviser.  I then moved into the role of  York Suburban High School Assistant Principal for four years, at which point I was named Acting Principal and then Principal of the high school.  I then moved to the position of Assistant Superintendent for Administration where I served for nearly eight years.

It has been a conscious decision on my part to remain with the York Suburban School District.  I am a firm believer in the mission of this district and I have tremendous respect for this community, including students, staff, parents, and residents of the district. 

 My family is very much a part of the district.  My husband, Joe, is also an educator and he is a tremendous support for me.  Our two oldest children each spent 13 years as students of York Suburban.  Our youngest, Thomas, is in 10th grade. 

Having been served by this district for a collective 37 years, I am indebted to the district for the fine education and wonderful opportunities that my own children received.  As the leader of York Suburban, I have the opportunity to serve the community that I truly value.

 While I certainly know many of our students and families, I look forward to more outreach programs to get to know more of you.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to me to share your thoughts and concerns as well as what makes you YS PROUD!

Dr. Shelly Merkle, Superintendent

The Challenges of Winter Weather

The winter weather has certainly provided the York Suburban community with its share of challenges.  Late entries, school Shelly Merkle  12-02-13 editedclosings, power outages, and altered schedules have become the norm this winter.  These challenges have left many of us thinking that spring cannot get here soon enough!

 York Suburban started this school year one week earlier than in previous years with the expectation of finishing at the end of May.  Two snow days were built into the calendar and will therefore be made up before May. 

The School Board recently approved a change in the calendar providing another make up day for students on March 7, a previously scheduled Professional Development Day.  All other cancellations must be made up in June.

GRADUATION SCHEDULED FOR MAY 29:  The school district does intend to proceed with Commencement as scheduled on May 29, 2014.  We will do everything possible to keep this date as we recognize how special this date is for our families of seniors.  As the culmination of 13 years of hard work we would like to honor this date for our seniors. 

Many people ask how the decision is made to cancel or delay school.

It is the responsibility of the Superintendent to make the decision, but it is only made after consultation with many others.  Student safety is the primary concern.  We must ensure that we are able to provide an appropriate learning environment in our buildings while also knowing that the roads, walkways and parking lots are safe for travel.  It is important for the Superintendent to consult with the district facilities staff, the bus company, township officials and even meteorologists.  More detailed information on this topic can be found on the homepage of the district website, www.yssd.org under the Hot Topics section.

At the time of this writing, I have one eye on the weather map as we anticipate yet another storm.  We will get through this.  Our students will remember what a five-day week feels like.  And we will be back to normal before you know it. 

Until then, Stay Safe and Warm!

Dr. Shelly Merkle, Acting Superintendent

Dr. Orban Retires, Dr. Merkle Named Acting Superintendent

Dr. Kate Orban (left) receives a plaque from Lynne Leopold-Sharp, school board president.  Dr. Orban retired as superintendent of the York Suburban School District in November.

Dr. Kate Orban (left) receives a plaque from Lynne Leopold-Sharp, School Board President. Dr. Orban retired as Superintendent of the York Suburban School District in November.


It is my honor to have been appointed to the role of Acting Superintendent of the York Suburban School District, effective November 19, 2013.

Shelly Merkle  12-02-13 edited

This appointment comes on the heels of the retirement of Dr. Kathryn Orban who had been serving as the Superintendent for 6 ½ years.

Dr. Orban began her career as a music teacher and moved through a variety of administrative positions in multiple districts.  She joined the York Suburban staff in 2005 as the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction.

Dr. Orban served in that capacity for two years before being called upon to lead the district as the Superintendent of Schools.  During her tenure, the district made great strides in many areas, most notably in the areas of curriculum and technology.

The district is grateful to Dr. Orban for her years of service and we wish her a long, happy and healthy retirement!

While the transition has been sudden, I feel well prepared to serve as the Acting Superintendent.  I have been serving the school district for more than 23 years as a school counselor, Assistant Principal, Principal and most recently, Assistant Superintendent for Administration.

I am fortunate to work with a very strong team of administrators, teachers and support staff, all focused on the needs of the students. Together, we will continue the strong tradition of excellence that our community has come to know, expect, and so graciously support.  The York Suburban School District boasts a winning combination:  outstanding students – talented and dedicated staff – supportive community – committed school board!

In addition to the transition in leadership, the School Board has just completed its reorganization. Newly elected President, Roger Miller, led the Board through the process to select a new Board member. This Board was seated together for the first time at the December 16 meeting.

Despite these changes, our students and teachers remain focused on their daily routines and the very important work that takes place in the classroom every single day.

The focus on the educational mission of the district is stronger than ever!

Dr. Shelly Merkle

[Read more…]

School Performance Profile Results Are In!

Kate Orban 2013 photoGreetings Everyone,

The change in weather has signaled that fall has truly arrived!

In addition to the arrival of fall, the new School Performance Profile (SPP) information has been released by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.  Taxpayers, parents, educators, and others now have access to a comprehensive resource that provides detailed information on the academic quality of Pennsylvania public schools including traditional public schools, brick-and-mortar, cyber charter schools, and career and technology centers.

The SPP also meets No Child Left Behind requirements and is a required component of Pennsylvania’s new educator evaluation system, signed into law in 2012.

The release on October 4 included a profile of nearly 2,400 of Pennsylvania’s 3,000 public schools.  Approximately 600 public schools had discrepancies in their data and that information is expected to be released by December.

The new system no longer utilizes Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) but places  schools on a 100 point scale. Schools scoring over 70 are considered satisfactory. Each level (elementary, middle school and high school) incorporates different criteria to determine the Profile score which can be found in detail at www.pde.state.pa.us.

YORK SUBURBAN RESULTS.  I am very pleased to report the York Suburban scores are as follows:

York Suburban High School           97.4

York Suburban Middle School        96.8

East York Elementary                   84.7 (Title I School)

Indian Rock Elementary                89.2

Valley View Elementary                 92.7

Yorkshire Elementary                    92.8

The criteria and results are based upon the performance, annual academic growth, attendance, and other factors of ALL students in the York Suburban School District. As the data is studied in more depth, the District will plan to improve with specific criteria, where needed.

OCTOBER 21 MEETING.  If you are interested in the details regarding the SPP and York Suburban’s performance in particular, I invite you to the October 21, 2013 Board meeting which will be held in the high school cafeteria.  At that time Dr. Patricia Maloney, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction, will be doing a presentation for the school board and the community.  In addition, Dr. Maloney and building administrators will answer questions.

The results are indicative of the hard work of the staff, students, and administrators.  Congratulations on a job well done! I would be remiss if I did not also thank the Board, parents and community for the ongoing support of this District. The investment in the future of the York Suburban students and the York Suburban community is noteworthy.  We are Building Our Future…One Student at a Time.

Thank you!

Dr. Kate Orban


Welcome Back to York Suburban

Hello and Welcome Back to the Students and Staff.

Kate Orban 2007_editedThe earlier start to the 2013-2014 school year meant for a shorter summer than usual.  During this time. preparations for the new school year have been ongoing and when students return, we will be ready!

NEW DOCTORATES — Is there a doctor in the house?  The answer is a resounding YES! Within the past few months three of the York Suburban Administrative Team received their doctorates.   Congratulations to:

Dr. Denise Furhman, Assistant High School Principal

Dr. Scott Krauser, Assistant Middle School Principal

Dr. Greg Gulley, Indian Rock Principal

The District thanks them for their dedication and hard work to achieve this honor and appreciate how the knowledge gained benefits the entire York Suburban community.

TECHNOLOGY — Are you a technology native or a technology immigrant? A technology native is defined as those born after the introduction of digital technology.  If you are like me, you are considered a technology immigrant — one who was born after the introduction of digital technology but has migrated to its use.

How we educate our students today has changed in many ways.  Even our youngest students are tech savvy because they are technology natives.  How they approach the use of any form of technology differs in how technology immigrants approach it.   At York Suburban School District, we have done an excellent job of utilizing technology throughout the entire district and bridging the technology native-technology immigrant gap.  The adults and students alike use various forms of technology daily.

ELEMENTS OF SUCCESS — Though the manner in which we educate our students continues to evolve, the reasons the students in the York Suburban School District continue to achieve high results in school and success in life are simple; a highly qualified staff that is dedicated to every student’s success, involved parents, a strong community connection and a Board of School Directors that puts students first.

 Dr. Kate Orban 

176 Graduate from York Suburban

Caps fill the air at the conclusion of graduation exercises for the York Suburban High School Class of 2013.

Caps fill the air at the conclusion of graduation exercises for the York Suburban High School Class of 2013.

In a sun filled stadium with a comfortable breeze blowing, 176 seniors received their diplomas at York Suburban High School commencement exercises on Wednesday, June 5.

Speakers for the Class of 2013 graduation were: (front row) Sarah Gutekunst, student council treasurer; Helen Gunn, National Honor Society president; and Alicia Baker, co-valedictorian.        (Back row) Andrew Toman, vice president of student council; Michael Hogg, Class of 2013 president; and Christopher Covert, co-valedictorian.

Speakers for the Class of 2013 graduation were: (front row) Sarah Gutekunst, Student Council treasurer; Helen Gunn, National Honor Society president; and Alicia Baker, co-valedictorian. (Back row) Andrew Toman, vice president of Student Council; Michael Hogg, Class of 2013 president; and Christopher Covert, co-valedictorian.

For the first time in 10 years, the class had co-valedictorians.

It was a busy day for the graduates, beginning in the morning with a Class of 2013 photo taken in the gymnasium and followed by rehearsal for the evening ceremony.

Returning to the school shortly after 6 p.m. the students robed in the auditorium, lobby, and hallway of the high school.

Entering Dick May Field from the far end of the outdoor venue, the members of the class passed through a double line of cheering and applauding faculty members, administrators and school board members.

The 54th commencement exercises began with musical selections by the concert band and then the concert choir.  Prior to the presentation of the colors, Student Council treasurer Sarah Gutekunst welcomed the more than 1,000 family members and friends attending the ceremony.

Student Council vice president Andrew Toman gave a moment of reflection before York Suburban School Board member Lois Ann Schroeder brought greetings from the board.

Helen Gunn, president of the National Honor Society, introduced student speakers Alicia Baker and Christopher Covert, co-valedictorians, and Michael Hogg, president of the Class of 2013.  Principal Brian Ellis presented each valedictorian with a special plaque before giving his remarks.

The Class of 2013 was presented by Dr. Denise Fuhrman and Christopher Adams, Assistant Principals, and diplomas were handed to each student by Superintendent Dr. Kate Orban and Assistant Superintendents Dr. Michele Merkle and Dr. Patricia Maloney.

As they left the stage, each student was presented with a red rose.

Michael Hogg closed the program and 176 caps filled the air in celebration.

A reception in the cafeteria followed the ceremony.

Looking at the Future


Recently, two items have received a great deal of press coverage and public discussion.  I would like to take this opportunity to address both items, clarify, and address any misconceptions.

Student Enrollment Projections, Facility Options and Elementary Enrollment Projections and Educational Program Studies

Kate Orban 2007_editedPeriodically, the board and administration engage in enrollment projection studies and feasibility studies as part of due diligence to the students, staff and community of the district.

The extensive Pennsylvania Economy League (PEL) Enrollment Projection Study revealed a smaller kindergarten class and whether this is an anomaly or trend has yet to be determined.  This report was presented to the Board of School Directors at the January 14 meeting and the report can be accessed on the district website (www.yssd.org) on the meeting agenda.  An updated report is due November 2013.

With regard to Facility Options Study, an architectural and engineering firm will be engaged to study all district buildings. This report will develop growth densities with respect to proximity to the existing district schools to determine where classroom resources need to be focused effectively.  The report will also provide financial and schematic plans which depict any maintenance, renovations or other options to be considered short and long-term.

The administration will be conducting an internal study related to Elementary Enrollment Projections and Educational Program. Included in this study will be an analysis of each building’s capacity as it relates to the educational programs, legal requirements, class size and each building’s capability to provide the educational spaces dictated by educational programs.

Upon completion of these three studies, the board will engage in discussion to develop short and long-range decisions.  No decision has been made with regard to any building and will not be until all data is collected and analyzed. Any and all decisions will be open to staff and community input.

York Recovery Advisory Committee

I am pleased to serve on the York Recovery Advisory Committee to work with the York City School District and the Pennsylvania Department of Education.  The Advisory Committee has been presented with five options to address the financial and academic issues of the York City School District.  One option that has been getting a lot of press is consolidation with other school districts.

School consolidation in Pennsylvania is a long process and is regulated by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, legislature and other entities.  In addition, staff members, community members and board members have the opportunity to provide their input.

The Chief Recovery Officer for the School District of the City of York sent a letter to presidents of local School Boards to discuss ways to collaborate and whether School Boards would engage in discussion regarding collaboration/ consolidation.

In summary, please rest assured in addition to keeping you informed throughout these processes, there will be ample opportunity for input should any changes be proposed.

Please call or email me if you would like to discuss this further. I also invite you to attend the school board meetings as another way of staying informed.

Kathryn L. Orban
