YS Proud to be your Superintendent

At the March meeting, the York Suburban Board of School Directors appointed me to a three-year term as the Superintendent of the York Suburban School District.

Shelly Merkle  12-02-13 editedWhile I have been serving as the Acting Superintendent since November, I am delighted to move forward with the official appointment.  On April 10, I stood before Judge Stephen Linebaugh to be sworn in as a public official.  I took an oath to uphold the laws and regulations set forth by the Commonwealth. 

While many of you know me only as the voice behind the many snow calls this winter, I would like to share my background with you.  I have been working in the District for 24 years.  I began as a school counselor at York Suburban High School.  For eight years, I was a school counselor, department chair, and Student Council adviser.  I then moved into the role of  York Suburban High School Assistant Principal for four years, at which point I was named Acting Principal and then Principal of the high school.  I then moved to the position of Assistant Superintendent for Administration where I served for nearly eight years.

It has been a conscious decision on my part to remain with the York Suburban School District.  I am a firm believer in the mission of this district and I have tremendous respect for this community, including students, staff, parents, and residents of the district. 

 My family is very much a part of the district.  My husband, Joe, is also an educator and he is a tremendous support for me.  Our two oldest children each spent 13 years as students of York Suburban.  Our youngest, Thomas, is in 10th grade. 

Having been served by this district for a collective 37 years, I am indebted to the district for the fine education and wonderful opportunities that my own children received.  As the leader of York Suburban, I have the opportunity to serve the community that I truly value.

 While I certainly know many of our students and families, I look forward to more outreach programs to get to know more of you.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to me to share your thoughts and concerns as well as what makes you YS PROUD!

Dr. Shelly Merkle, Superintendent