Welcome Back to York Suburban

Hello and Welcome Back to the Students and Staff.

Kate Orban 2007_editedThe earlier start to the 2013-2014 school year meant for a shorter summer than usual.  During this time. preparations for the new school year have been ongoing and when students return, we will be ready!

NEW DOCTORATES — Is there a doctor in the house?  The answer is a resounding YES! Within the past few months three of the York Suburban Administrative Team received their doctorates.   Congratulations to:

Dr. Denise Furhman, Assistant High School Principal

Dr. Scott Krauser, Assistant Middle School Principal

Dr. Greg Gulley, Indian Rock Principal

The District thanks them for their dedication and hard work to achieve this honor and appreciate how the knowledge gained benefits the entire York Suburban community.

TECHNOLOGY — Are you a technology native or a technology immigrant? A technology native is defined as those born after the introduction of digital technology.  If you are like me, you are considered a technology immigrant — one who was born after the introduction of digital technology but has migrated to its use.

How we educate our students today has changed in many ways.  Even our youngest students are tech savvy because they are technology natives.  How they approach the use of any form of technology differs in how technology immigrants approach it.   At York Suburban School District, we have done an excellent job of utilizing technology throughout the entire district and bridging the technology native-technology immigrant gap.  The adults and students alike use various forms of technology daily.

ELEMENTS OF SUCCESS — Though the manner in which we educate our students continues to evolve, the reasons the students in the York Suburban School District continue to achieve high results in school and success in life are simple; a highly qualified staff that is dedicated to every student’s success, involved parents, a strong community connection and a Board of School Directors that puts students first.

 Dr. Kate Orban