The Challenges of Winter Weather

The winter weather has certainly provided the York Suburban community with its share of challenges.  Late entries, school Shelly Merkle  12-02-13 editedclosings, power outages, and altered schedules have become the norm this winter.  These challenges have left many of us thinking that spring cannot get here soon enough!

 York Suburban started this school year one week earlier than in previous years with the expectation of finishing at the end of May.  Two snow days were built into the calendar and will therefore be made up before May. 

The School Board recently approved a change in the calendar providing another make up day for students on March 7, a previously scheduled Professional Development Day.  All other cancellations must be made up in June.

GRADUATION SCHEDULED FOR MAY 29:  The school district does intend to proceed with Commencement as scheduled on May 29, 2014.  We will do everything possible to keep this date as we recognize how special this date is for our families of seniors.  As the culmination of 13 years of hard work we would like to honor this date for our seniors. 

Many people ask how the decision is made to cancel or delay school.

It is the responsibility of the Superintendent to make the decision, but it is only made after consultation with many others.  Student safety is the primary concern.  We must ensure that we are able to provide an appropriate learning environment in our buildings while also knowing that the roads, walkways and parking lots are safe for travel.  It is important for the Superintendent to consult with the district facilities staff, the bus company, township officials and even meteorologists.  More detailed information on this topic can be found on the homepage of the district website, under the Hot Topics section.

At the time of this writing, I have one eye on the weather map as we anticipate yet another storm.  We will get through this.  Our students will remember what a five-day week feels like.  And we will be back to normal before you know it. 

Until then, Stay Safe and Warm!

Dr. Shelly Merkle, Acting Superintendent