YSHS National Ranking: A Community Effort

CongrShelly 2atulations to the entire York Suburban community for the national ranking recently earned by our high school.  Newsweek magazine ranked York Suburban High School as 67th on its list of  the Top High Schools in America 2014  (see subsequent article for more details).  

Such distinction cannot be achieved without tremendous support from the community as a whole.  Thank you for your support and congratulations on being a part of such an honor!

 Earning such a distinction is a great source of pride, but it also comes with the recognition that there is more work to be done.  As we focus on our District Goals for the year, several exciting projects are beginning to take shape. 

NEW INITIATIVES:  The Early Learning Initiative Task Force is considering the ways and means to expand the learning opportunities for our youngest learners.  At the other end of the spectrum, the high school expects to have in place for the start of the 2015-16 school year at least four courses taught in a hybrid format —  a combination of on-line learning and more traditional classroom learning.  Additionally, the high school is working to open its campus to more experiential learning opportunities in the form of internships, work experiences, and service learning opportunities.

 The District is also working hard to build partnerships with our collegiate neighbors.  One exciting project under way with York College is to research the practices of the District and to develop a Communications Plan that will enhance our communication with all constituents.  We look forward to sharing more details as these exciting projects come to fruition. 

 The York Suburban School District treasures its strong tradition of excellence while recognizing the need for continued growth and development.  Your support is a valuable part of our past and future success.

Dr. Shelly Merkle
