Archives for 2017

Victims share stories of sexual assault

by Maddie Levans In the past few weeks, both women and men have come forward to share experiences they have had with sexual assault. Accusations began when Harvey Weinstein was accused in early October of assaulting an actress. Since then, people all over the nation are sharing their stories. … [Read more...]

New Music for October

by Maddie Levans October’s variety of new music releases have proven to create a solid finish to 2017. After the loss of music legends such as Tom Petty, Chris Cornell, and Chester Bennington, the music world is using the rest of 2017 to grow and come together in unity. Indie blues singer K … [Read more...]

Las Vegas shooting stuns America

by Maddie Levans On the morning of October 2, the world was greeted with news of a terror attack that had happened at an outdoor concert on the Vegas Strip. Over 50 people are confirmed dead, with more than 500 injured. The attack has claimed the number one spot on the list of deadliest mass … [Read more...]

Muslims flee Myanmar

by Maddie Levans For almost a year, the Myanmar government has been ordering the removal and execution of over 2,000 Rohingya Muslims from the westernmost province of Myanmar, the Rakhine State. Now, as more and more refugees flee the country, the UN has decided to take action in regards to … [Read more...]

King fans rejoice

by Maddie Levans Beep beep, Richie! Stephen King fans nationwide rejoiced at the premier of IT: the newest film adaptation of his classic 1986 novel. The movie, announced in 2016, was projected to be a hit among long-time King fans. In IT’s opening weekend, the film grossed over $120 million in t … [Read more...]

YSHS undergoes renovations

by Maddie Levans Over the summer, YS has undergone various renovations in order to better the campus for more student use. All of the doors throughout the school have been replaced and updated with ID card scanners, much like those that allow teachers and staff access to the building. The … [Read more...]

Students weigh in on next Disney live-action film

by Maddie Levans Over the past few decades, Disney has been turning more and more classic movies into live-action hits. From 101 Dalmations to Beauty and the Beast, it seems like more and more Disney classics are being adapted to fit the silver screen. The first live-action Disney movie, 101 … [Read more...]

New music for May

by Maddie Levans At the end of last month, alt rock group Gorillaz put out their long awaited second studio album, Humanz, to the delight of eager fans. Throughout April, the band released a whopping seven singles off of their 26-track long album. The album is filled with collaborative tracks, … [Read more...]

Hollywood whitewashes Asian roles

by Maddie Levans The whitewashing of Asian roles in Hollywood isn’t a new concept. From Holly Golightly’s Japanese landlord in Breakfast at Tiffany’s being played by Mickey Rooney, to Emma Stone being cast as a half-Chinese half-Polynesian fighter pilot in Aloha, more and more white actors are get … [Read more...]

Senior class hosts 5th annual senior art show

by Maddie Levans On May 5, York Suburban’s senior class hosted the fifth annual senior art show at Creative York West in downtown York. Eight seniors displayed their work and ran the show, allowing over a hundred people to view their work. Some seniors going into the art field, such as R … [Read more...]