Volunteer opportunities in York

by Cecilia Lantz

Although many students lead busy lives between after-school jobs and sports practices, finding ways to give back to the community can be challenging. There are a variety of opportunities for students to get involved in York such as making donations or volunteering.

While a majority of students’ time goes into their school work, there are many easy opportunities to give back on campus. For example, students can volunteer in the TLC by tutoring students, contributing to blood and food drives, and buying donuts/lollipops where the contributions go to the NHS fund.

There are countless other opportunities to contribute off campus as well. Donating is one of the easier ways to get involved. Donations can be made at one of the local donation bins located at centers such as The Goodwill, Salvation Army, or the York Rescue Mission.

Students with more time to contribute can volunteer at local rescue missions, soup kitchens or even animal shelters. Helping the community isn’t just about helping people, it’s about animals too. Volunteering at a shelter can help animals find adoption homes creating more room for the animals on the streets.

Ready to get involved?

Below are a few links to websites of volunteer centers in York. Donations can be made at any time at one of the donation bins located throughout York County.

York County Food Bank: http://yorkfoodbank.org/volunteer/