Boys’ volleyball aims to spike competition

By Julia Chojnacki

Spring sports are already here! The YS spring sports teams are beginning their season this week, holding tryouts for each different team. Teams, including boys’ volleyball, are getting ready for their upcoming season. Senior and captain Jack Schultz is helping to lead the team to a successful season.

Schultz said, “I think we will have a successful season.  We hope to qualify for both districts and states this year.” A lot of preparation goes into preparing for the season. Schultz also said, “the biggest thing we are doing to prepare for the season is getting everyone acclimated to their new roles.  Personally, I have changed my position and we have young talent that is adjusting to varsity level play.”

The team expects a lot of competition from their opponents this season with their biggest competition being both Central York and Northeastern. Other than himself, Schultz is looking for leadership from other returning seniors, including Nick Bowman, Izzy Kinfe, and Zach Weinstein.”

A key component in preparing for their upcoming season is making improvements to adjust the team’s skill set so they can perform better and have a successful season. The team is focusing on honing its skills. Schultz said, “One improvement that I would like to make this year is to be more disciplined.  And by that, I mean being more focused on fixing the small details with passing, positioning, and communication.”

As far as a personal goal, Schultz is hoping to “once again make the all-state team, and, along the way, be a team leader and good teammate.” Schultz is hoping to have as a successful season as they have had in the past.