Trump fulfills campaign promises

by Matt Thoman & Isobel Smith

President Donald Trump promised in his campaign to put America first.  That means American workers and businesses take top priority.  It means the rights and safety of American citizens are paramount.  

Trump began to fulfill his promises to the American people before he was even inaugurated into office by securing deals with Carrier and Ford that saved over 1,000 American jobs.  

Trump aims to promote America’s economic success.  In fact, it is the driving force behind many of his policies.  He wants to cut regulations on businesses that could be thriving without the restraint of impossible rules and high taxes.  Those restrictive regulations drive American businesses and American jobs to other countries.  

He also wants to repeal the federal death tax which is imposed on a deceased person’s company when it is passed on to his children. This tax can be up to 40% of the company’s worth which can easily bankrupt a family business.  The American Dream is to be successful and then pass that success on so to allow future generations even further success. This tax is killing the American Dream.

Trump also promises to keep America safe.  In his first days in office he signed executive orders to block immigration from seven dangerous middle eastern countries.  This was not a religious ban, but rather a restriction on people from countries known to harbor terrorists.  

He also signed an order to begin work on the border wall with Mexico. Some people believe the wall symbolizes hate and division; however, the 11 million undocumented illegal aliens in the United States are responsible for 7% of federal prison sentences.  It is ridiculous for 3.5% of the population to hold 7% of federal prison sentences. In less than one month in office, Trump has already taken action on some of the issues that got him elected.  

Trump ran for president because of his love for our country and his belief that we need to change things to help our country be great: to be strong, safe, prosperous again. The country voted for Trump, and many Americans are ready to see Washington be turned upside down.

The most important thing about Donald Trump is that he is not a politician.  He is not satisfied with just talking about issues and taking no action.  Many presidents and politicians before him were happy to talk about issues, but never worked toward finding permanent solutions.  Agree or disagree with his policies, it will no longer be acceptable in Washington to sit back and talk while problems continue to get worse.