DeVos approved as Secretary of Education


by Maddie Levans

As the nation tries to regain balance after Trump’s shocking win, any attempts to regain normalcy have been repeatedly thwarted by the already dangerous provisions included in his regime.

Trump’s unfortunate election as President has left the nation demanding reconciliation and a need for a return to conformity; however, any possibility for a better future has been diminished by the crushing realization that the cabinet picks nominated by Trump will inevitably do more harm than good.

During DeVos’ hearing, she was not only unable to distinguish the difference between “growth” and “proficiency,” she claimed that schools in Wyoming used firearms to ward off bear attacks.

Not only are her statements outright incomprehensible, she tries desperately to defend her weak arguments even after being proven wrong. On the bear issue, this is not only a violation of gun safety laws, it is completely false. The school cited in DeVos’ rebuttal had no record of any guns kept on hand to prevent grizzly bear attacks. DeVos has made a mockery of the mission of the Department of Education and if approved, she will surely run the education system of this country into the ground.

After DeVos’ faulty statistics on student debt, Senator Al Franken’s, part of the Senate Judiciary Committee and a personal hero of mine, told DeVos that, “If you’re challenging my figures, I would ask that you get your figures straight about education policy,” to which she had no final rebuttal.

The utter lack of integrity and intelligence throughout this hearing really helps to rip that last shred of hope for a better future from the hands of U.S. citizens. So, we, the American people, have a wild four years in store for us, unless Trump gets us thrown into WW3 before Christmas and we become a piece of history.
UPDATE: DeVos was approved by a party line vote with all 11 Democratic senators voting against her approval and all Republican senators voting in favor of it. The final vote on the Senate floor was a 50-50 split, broken by Vice President Mike Pence, following traditional Senate guidelines. Betsy DeVos is now the official Secretary of Education.