Students weigh in on primary elections

by Kirill Cross

It is now the start of election season and candidates are setting into high gear, both Democratic and Republican candidates. The Primary election in the first state Iowa, were very close in the Democratic election, Clinton earning 49.9% of the vote while Sanders earned 49.6% of the vote which sadly lead to O’Malley suspending the election after earning 0.6% of the vote. For the Republicans, Cruz won with a 27.6% of the vote while Trump earned 24.3% of the vote and Rubio won with 23.1% of the vote.

For the New Hampshire primary, which was the second primary, there were more clear winners with both parties. For the Democratic primary, Sanders won with 60.4% of the vote while Clinton earned 38% of the vote. For the Republican primary, Trump clearly won with 35.3% of the vote while Kasich earned 15.8% of the vote and Cruz earned 11.7% of the vote.

The Democratic Nevada Caucus was held In Nevada, which was the third primary of the race. The results were a little less close this time than the first primary. Clinton won with 52.6% of the vote while Sanders had 47.3% of the vote.

Freshman Lizzie Simmers said, “As rare as it is, I a teenage female, am a republican who supports Trump. I get a lot of criticism for it, but I also believe everyone is entitled to their own views. I support Trump because of his views, he has strong immigration policies such as building the wall. He believes in restoring America. He can unite the country. He already attracts people who are very far to the left. He believes in our police. They are the people we call when we are in danger.”

Senior Winter Ryan said of Trump, “The immigration reform is a good idea, and his idea of bringing jobs back to America, and he is less political.”

Senior Maddy McIlnay, who supports Senator Bernie Sanders, said, “I would vote for Bernie, because he is not perfect, none of the candidates are, but Bernie is a good change and has the interest of young people and the future in mind. I think that his views on social issues are progressive and all inclusive. Not only are his social views great, his stance on economics is different but, I feel like it could work. I like how he wants the economy to be in favor of students because I feel like he is really for the people, and that’s what a president should be.”

Freshman Destiny Lara said, “I would vote for Hillary because what she represents and what she would do would be in favor of my family, so they could stay in America. Some of my family members are even trying to get green cards just in fear of the worst.”