NHS hosts trick-or-treat night

by Katie Hill


On Thurs. Oct. 29, York Suburban will be participating in its third annual trick-or-treat night for children of the community. This event features school wide organizations and volunteers that decorate classroom doors so that children, grades kindergarten through second, can practice for the real deal.

While other schools set up frightening settings such as haunted houses, York Suburban has chosen to take the friendlier approach and welcome kids to dress up as their favorite princesses and superheros.

National Honor Society has been preparing for the night in several ways. They are in charge of gathering organizations to participate as well as raising funds for the candy. Some of these organizations include student council, Best Buddies, SADD, and green club. Fundraisers that contribute to the candy budget include donut sales.

While this night may just seem like an event to bring unity amongst the community and to enjoy silly costumes, it holds a greater meaning.

“The real emphasis of this is on the canned food drive. The admission price for people coming in is a can of food. We collect those and then all of that food goes to the York County Food Bank,” said NHS advisor Daniel Anderson.

In attempt to maximize the amount of cans, York Suburban participates in its own canned food drive, occurring in the winter months, which is then added to the pre-existing amount from the trick or treat night.

Although the center of this event focuses on good times and fun memories, it is important to remember what this night is truly about- giving back to the community. This has been the operation for all three years.

In years past, turnout has been around 300 participants, so York Suburban is hoping to match this number or increase it. To ensure this amount of participation, Anderson is encouraging the community to come out and support the school, or to at least bring in a can.