Easing the freshman transition to high school

by Allison Alwood

Members of the high school have been working towards making the transition from middle school easier for upcoming freshman.

According to guidance counselor Jamie Britton, “It’s been a several year process.” There are many initiatives that the guidance department has taken.

Freshmen seem to struggle “socially and academically,” Britton said. Guidance counselors have been visiting the middle school during the course selection process to ease eighth graders into the process of choosing their own schedules.

The high school has also made a few additions. The Link Crew is led by Erika Styer and fellow upperclassmen. Their goal is to create a whole day towards connecting and guiding the upcoming freshman.

The Trojan Learning Center (TLC) is led by Amy Loughran. This facility can be found in the business wing and is open for all students during mornings, study halls, and after school. Tutors and teachers are available to help students with assignments and meeting deadlines.

Some freshman don’t realize that upperclassmen can be helpful throughout the high school transition. Junior Georgia Dumars said freshmen should “Make sure that to stay on top of their grades because it affects the rest of their high school GPA.”

Senior Ashley Griffith said, “Go to the library for study hall because you can get a lot more work done and it’s a nicer atmosphere.”