York Suburban changes next year’s schedule

Have you heard about the changes for the upcoming school year schedule? Beginning next year, school is starting earlier! Now, before anyone begins protesting, the school year is also ending earlier to supplement this change.

Instead of having the school year begin in late August, students will attend school earlier, on August 22. Of course, the elementary school, ninth graders, and new students will start August 21. Consequently, instead of ending school in June, summer vacation will begin early on May 29. Furthermore, there will be a few vacation days removed from the school year. When asked about how she felt about this, sophomore Carysn Smith said, “I think that taking away from vacation days in the middle of the year is unfair because we don’t get a lot of days like other schools do anyway.”

Though it’s not an immense change, it will not be one appreciated by subsequent students everywhere.

About Nicole Pfaff