National Honor Society raises money for good cause

National Honor Society does a lot to help the community and our school. The organization hosts the annual Penny Wars. Students are asked to bring in loose change to support cancer research. This is always a friendly competition between grade levels as well as teachers within a specific department. This year, the war will be going on between the teachers of the math department. Although not everyone may be taking a math class, everyone can still participate. Students may choose to support any teacher by bringing in change to put in that teacher’s box. If a student wishes to lower the score of another teacher, they may bring in paper money to put in another teacher’s box. Teachers of other subjects may also choose to endorse math teachers.

York Suburban’s National Honor Society gave their time and efforts to contribute to the Food Bank over the holidays. Over the course of several weeks, National Honor Society encouraged students to participate in the food drive. National Honor Society organizes and runs this food drive each year and always has a large donation to give by the end.
Students were encouraged to bring in non-perishable and canned foods to help feed the homeless and the less fortunate over the holiday season. Without National Honor Society and York Suburban’s help, many people would have been at a loss for meals over the holidays. It also gives many people the opportunity to celebrate holidays with others.
National Honor Society hosts the annual Penny Wars. Students are asked to bring in loose change to support cancer research. This is always a friendly competition between grade levels as well as teachers within a specific department. This year, the war will be going on between the teachers of the math department. Although not everyone may be taking a math class, everyone can still participate. Students may choose to support any teacher by bringing in change to put in that teacher’s box. If a student wishes to lower the score of another teacher, they may bring in paper money to put in another teacher’s box. Teachers of other subjects may also choose to endorse math teachers.
Mr. Peace is known for his intensely competitive side that comes out during the penny wars. Although the competition will not be occurring within the science wing and between the science teachers, it has been made clear that Mr. Peace will still be participating by endorsing a math teacher.
National Honor Society works very hard to make sure these fundraisers run smoothly. Participation is key, and they are always for a good cause!

About Erin Merkle