Are Electronic Cigarettes Better for Smokers?

Some believe that electric cigarettes are a great way to quit smoking. Normal cigarettes have many harmful levels of cancer agents and dangerous chemicals. The electric version uses vapor instead of actual smoke where the smell can stay in a car, on clothes, etc.

“I feel that it is good because it doesn’t smell as bad as regular cigarettes,” senior Alamay Winters stated. Some are flavored and smell pleasing instead of dirty like normal cigarettes.

All e-cigs work the same way. There is a battery inside, a heating element, and a cartridge that holds nicotine and the flavor fluids. Some are disposable and others have a rechargeable battery and refillable cartridges. Studies shown that they do not know the long term risks of vaping these kind of electric cigarettes.

Many adults around the world are trying to quit smoking because it is a waste of money. But the FDA approved method to quit: the nicotine patch or gum will be more beneficial to the smoker.

These are easier to get a hold of and some people might feel like children will easily become hooked onto it.

Most people know that nicotine is the addictive ingredient inside cigarettes. Nicotine can affect brain development in younger people. Studies have shown that a normal humans brain is not fully developed until the age of around 25.

Since nicotine is addictive, e-cigarettes could be a new “toy” leading nonsmokers and children to use tobacco. Over the years tv commercials and magazines have given the public different ways to quit smoking. Some manufactures with huge advertising budgets could make smoking popular again. The technology now is creating new vapes with candy and fruit tasting liquid capsules to put in the devices. This can attracted teenagers to buy them once they turn 18.

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