Way to go Paul

Recently, an obviously upset parent went viral after shattering the glass at a youth girls hockey game at the York City Ice Arena.

All parents lose their temper at some point, but hockey parents seem to most of all. Whether the referees are making bad calls or their team is simply losing, they show no restraint in expressing their disapproval.

The hockey dad was already upset with a call by the referee and is on his way down the bleacher steps when a girl from the other team kicks his daughter, causing his anger to double. He hits the glass, and with gasps from the stands, it breaks.

It was highly unexpected that the glass broke. Thousands of hockey players have their bodies slammed into the boards and glass every week, and the glass stays in place. The glass used in rinks is safety glass, not real glass, for obvious reasons. Usually when a body hits, the pressure is spread out and absorbed over a larger area.

Although a hand applies pressure in a smaller, more focused area, hockey parents hit the glass over calls on a daily basis, so did this dad have super strength? Has the hulk been discovered?

Sadly, the hulk remains in the movies. The dad just happened to be wearing a titanium wedding ring. The titanium ring focused all the pressure of the hit into one small area and the hockey parent managed to find the weakest spot in the glass.

Another hockey parent who had been recording the game caught the phenomenon on camera and decided to post it on YouTube. The video instantly went viral and news stations rushed to the York City Ice Arena to try and cover to story.

To the news stations’ disappointment, the glass had been repaired with money from the angered hockey dad. Not only did the Florida man have to pay $800 to repair the glass, but he is also banned from the ice arena.

Even though the man who broke the glass was the center of attention in that instant, a mystery man in the stands who yells “Way to go Paul” is what caused the video to become comedic and viral.

One of the parents from the York City Ice Arena Club has created t-shirts to sell with the newly famous line around the rink: “Way to go Paul”.

To see what all the buzz on this video is about, click on this link and check it out: http://youtu.be/YzdreX5-q80