Languages Pros and Cons

As seniors enter the college application season, the necessity of studying a foreign language is becoming apparent. Most colleges require at least two years’ of foreign language for acceptance. Some students believe it is a fantastic idea to learn a second language, others feel differently.

Senior Sierra Flanscha said, ¨It is good to learn a second language because it enhances views on different cultures and it is a great for certain jobs.¨ Any job outside of the United States will most likely require people to know a second language.

¨It is a great skill to have incase you ever travel,¨ said junior Amanda Wise.

Going to other countries, like Germany, where they speak English, it’s still a good idea to learn German because it is more polite.

Other students, however, think learning a second language is unnecessary, and that it can be too challenging.

¨I think it could be too much work learning a second language,¨ said freshman Avery Penson. ¨Learning another language along with English could just be hard.¨ For some students, it can be difficult to learn a second language. Also, some students believe it can just be a waste of time, and that it would take valuable time away from learning other things at school, such as math and science classes because students want to achieve their best grades in those classes.

Some benefits that come with a second language are that colleges will take that into consideration, visiting countries where speaking  their language will be very beneficial, and if anyone ever wanted a job in the government it would be beneficial to know at least one other language besides English.

While it is helpful to be bilingual, its not always necessary. If  someone doesn’t like to travel much or to get a job where its needed, they may never use a second language.Some jobs would never use a second language, so then being bilingual wouldn’t be useful.

For learning a language here at the high school, someone can take up to five years of a language. Clearly, anyone can take language classes in college to expand knowledge on the language. Many teachers like Michael Coy who teaches spanish, really enjoy when they can take their higher level classes on class trips to places like Spain, where they can put their knowledge to the test and learn more about the culture.