Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is a success

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014), the sequel to Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011), scores an 8/10. The movie is packed with the same messages about life that drew people to the original. Despite some violence, younger viewers can enjoy with the whole family.

The plot begins with the world being taken over by the growing evolved ape population. These apes of course are led by Caesar, their beloved yet strong leader. On this adventure, viewers are given an objective view of how animals must perceive humans. When seeing humanity crushed by the uprise of apes, it becomes apparent where this movie’s greatness lies. It lies within the plot heavy storyline full of powerful messages about humanity and the animal kingdom.

As the movie progresses, the apes begin to encounter the struggles humans had created for themselves like war, outrage, and greed. This occuring during the battle for superior species shows the mental prowess of the evolved apes. In addition to that, the pain seen in Caesar when choosing between the apes and humans give this film a strong emotional appeal.

In the end, the characters gain knowledge of themselves, and the world as ape society reach a breaking point. And in turn, the viewer does as well. Conflict is mostly resolved, yet plot holes still exist. This may be to create a possibility of a third, or simply flaws in the writing.

The bad, special effects are over the top. Since the dawn of CGI, animators have been overdoing the effects. This, at parts, detracts from following the movie as it get convoluted and stressful to watch. Parts of the movie may be too slow for younger viewers but is necessary for character development. This however, quickly diminishes as tension builds, and action increases.

Overall, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes receives a high rating simply from its storyline. The graphics are okay, but if that was the main reason for seeing it, the movie would fail miserably. Fans of the 2001 original should be prepared for a more in depth look at the humanity found within the apes. Critics will welcome the better acting and more complex plot line.

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