Photography and biology classes work on a conjoined project

Photography student, and senior Saffron Brocious captures the biology water property of surface tension.

Photography student, and senior Saffron Brocious captures the biology water property of surface tension.

Photography and Biology Classes Add a Pop of Color in the Biology Wing

To brighten up the biology wing the art and bio classes are working on a water properties project together.

Photography and art teacher, Erica Furjanic said “Ms. Styer and I have been looking for opportunities for collaboration between our classes -this interest came from a shared appreciation of art and science between she and I. After talking about the Biology curriculum, we saw that the Water Project was the perfect topic for collaboration. Our photography students were ‘hired’ to visually illustrate the properties of water for Ms. Styer’s students.”

Along with collaborative speaking skills, this project helps give students an idea of the real world work force. “Yes, the real world requires collaboration on many fronts; Businesses repeated tell us that they need a workforce equipped with 21st century skills. The 21st century skills addressed include time management, collaboration, effective problem-solving, communication, and creativity.” said Furjanic.

There are many purposes for the project, other than creating a real world scenario, Furjanic said, “The idea is that this collaboration is mutually beneficial for her students and mine. On her [Miss Styer’s] end, students have to show knowledge of the properties of water, articulate it to their photographers, and later write up captions for the photographs. On my end, students are being challenged to work in a real-world scenario, with  ‘clients’ who have specific needs. They have a specific objective and must find the best way to visually represent their clients’ request.”

The voting on the winner of this project is happening throughout the end of November and  month of December.  The photos will be hung in the Biology wing shortly after the winner is determined.