Black Friday: The day for the crazed


Target shoppers began to fight in the parking lot of the store. Photo Courtesy of

Black Friday morning, or for some people, Thanksgiving night can be the most exciting time of the year because of the adrenaline rush that charging into the stores pumps into the bodies of the customers. The excitement is not what all people desire though, sometimes just the anticipation of knowing whether or not you will get the item when venturing out is what feeds the customer the most.

Most people say they venture out to the hectic Black Friday shopping to assure they get what they want for great deals. Although, in some rare cases, people do just enjoy the feeling of adventure when going out and being surrounded by all of the crazy shoppers.

Sophomore, Lexxus Brown says the most exciting thing about Black Friday shopping to her is “watching all of the psychotic shoppers run around town to get some random item.”

As exhilarating as this day can be, it also has its downsides. In my opinion, being surrounded by crazed shoppers is terrifying because of the shocking stories and rumors.

The idea of a bunch of insane shoppers all out at once, devoted to get what they want at a low price, is just scary. The idea of people actually having a desire to be out with some of the craziest beings just baffles me.

Haven’t these people ever heard the grotesque stories of the people getting trampled while bull rushing into the stores, or of the horrible fights and riots that have broken out? Obviously they haven’t or are a little too fascinated with whatever item they have in mind if they are willing to go out on Black Friday and actually risk being involved in such a thing.

The appealing ads for an item can draw someone into it, but there is no way shoppers will have no other opportunity to buy that item discounted again.

Thousands of people heading out to stores on that day after Thanksgiving is what Black Friday is all about. So, really, what would it be without all of those foolish and deranged shoppers?