Cell usage during school


Ban on cell phone usage during school hours. Photo Courtesy by http://thattechchick.com/ntsb-wants-to-ban-cell-phone-use-while-driving/

Ban on cell phone usage during school hours. Photo Courtesy by http://thattechchick.com/ntsb-wants-to-ban-cell-phone-use-while-driving/

Currently students are allowed to be on their phones during lunch and throughout some classes. However, should they be allowed to use them in hallways? Should we get in trouble for listening to music in passing period? Probably not. There should be no issue with being on cellular devices going from class to class. Students are not allowed to use phone in the bathrooms or locker rooms, but, how is using them before classes harmful? The cell phone policy should be revised to allow students to use their phones through hall ways and bathrooms.

Students enjoy and are grateful for having the ability to use their phones at lunch, although we should also be able to use them during passing periods. Phone restrictions in classrooms obviously have to stay because if students were allowed to use cell phones during class, nobody would ever learn.

We are not allowed to use cellphones in the gym locker room, because that is very inappropriate  due to the fact that you should not be allowed to have anything with a camera while people are changing, but should we really be punished for something as simple as holding it in our hands? If cell phones are out in the locker rooms, we get in trouble. Is that fair? Not really. If phones are out and  and not in use then students should not be punished.

Teachers should allow cell phone uses on certain occasions because it allows students to look up information or to go on certain websites that help them in educational ways. Although, often times the student use their phones for other things such as social websites instead of class work.

Saying yes or no to cell phone usage during school is a conflicting topic because there are different opinions for different scenarios.However even though using them at lunch is nice, certain rules are too strict.  We should still be able to use them during passing periods and that we should not be penalized for having our cell phones out as long as they are not in use.