Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet

Photo Courtesy of This was the first year Suburban did trick or treating, and it was a success.

Photo Courtesy of
This was the first year Suburban did trick or treating, and it was a success.

This year, the school participated in the first ever in-school trick or treating. Physics teacher Barney Peace, the creator, said he thought it would make for a safe environment for little children and it would also allow Suburban groups to interact with the community. Peace also gives credit to senior Lillian Gurnavage. She first suggested the idea and it happened. Different groups decorated 13 doorways of classes and dressed up in the club  themes.

Peace said that about 70 high school students helped with it. He also claims that parents went as far to email principal Mr. Ellis, thanking him for the event and how wonderful of a time they have had. Peace stated that it was nice to see the smiles on the little children and high school students. He said he personally feels the princess door was the best one decorated. He would also like to give a shout out to the princesses that were present that night.

Kathy Falatovich, German Honor Society adviser talked about how her class decorated her door and said that her German Honor Society, also known as the Delta Epsilon Phi, came up with the theme of soccer, a major sport in Germany. They went all out and even included a soccer net and soccer ball, including a soccer field on the door.

GHS also dressed in German soccer shirts to match their theme. Six seniors, Lydia Paulos, Hannah Barclay, Quinn Casey, Cierra Eckenrode and Raphael Greco, were awarded for their hard work for decorating her door.

Falatovich claims that she had a fun time and over 150 children came to her door. The National Honors Society provided the candy and organization of the event. When asked if she thought it was difficult to decorate, she claimed it wasn’t because her door did not have as much decorations as everyone else.

Falatovich said they had more interactions to make up for it, however. The trick or treating occurred on Oct. 30, and was held from five to seven.  In order to participate, children had to donate a can to get candy.  At the end of the night, over 180 cans were collected and over 150 little ones showed up to get their Halloween treats.