Summer Track and Stadium Renovations and Access


York Suburban Community:

The district is currently renovating the high school stadium facility for security and structural updates. The stadium and track will be CLOSED from approximately May 31, 2017 – August 1, 2017.

We are working hard to provide safe and secure facilities for our students and community residents.  To ensure safety for everyone​, a new process for residents to gain access to the track and stadium will be instituted upon the reopening of the facility.   We understand this change may create a small inconvenience for some but it adds a high level of security for all facility users.  As we strive to provide ​YSSD residents with continued access to​ the track and stadium field, we appreciate your patience and cooperation.  Please click on the Stadium/Track Community Guidelines link below for more specific information.

Thank you for your understanding.

Stadium/Track Community Guidelines