Student Council Hosts First Snowcoming Dance

Submitted by Dr. Brian Ellis

Student Council ventured into new territory this winter as they hosted their first ever Snowcoming Dance. The council was interested in developing another major dance to fall between homecoming and prom, while also enhancing fundraising efforts for MiniTHON.    

Hours of hard work came to fruition, when over 200 York Suburban students descended upon Wisehaven Banquet Hall  to dance on January 21.  York Suburban graduates and the owners of FnP productions, Alden Funkhouser and T.J. Platts, welcomed students by positioning two large spotlights out front of the venue and provided the music and indoor lighting for the event.

The “big hit” of the night was the dance-off for Snow King.  The balloting for Snow King came down to a tie between seniors Daniel Lee and Ben Igo, prompting the dance off.  While Ben showed off some great moves, Dan stole the show by busting out some incredible breakdancing moves to win the honor of Snow King.

Student Council hopes the excitement generated from this event extends to the up-coming MiniTHON and plans to establish the successful winter Snowcoming Dance as an annual tradition.