2016-2017 Opening Day is Conventional

Riding the wave of enthusiasm from the summer’s political events, York Suburban gaveled in the new school year with a convention-style rally for teachers, staff and administrators on August 15.

Banners, balloons, and bunting decorated the high school auditorium as “delegates” from each building took their seats to cries of “We Are – YS!!!”   Our newest staff members were introduced amidst “smoke” and rally music, followed by welcoming speeches by supporters of our YS school community from primary to secondary.  Grateful messages were shared by Valley View and Yorkshire students, Jeffery Strine and Maya Wolpert; East York and Indian Rock alumna , Reese McKenna and Madelin Trimmer; middle school student, Ben Kenien; high school senior, Zachary Weinstein; and a special visit from Class of 2007 alumni, Dr. Jake Schroeder.  The theme of appreciation from all our constituents culminated in a heart-felt speech from YS parent, Anne Smith, whose six children have journeyed through our buildings. Keynote speakers included Board President Lynne Leopold-Sharp, Superintendent Dr. Shelly Merkle,  Assistant Superintendent Dr. Patricia Maloney, and YSEA President Dave Darrah revealing our platform of district goals for 2016-2017, achievements of 2015-2016, and reminders to strive for excellence while maintaining balance and YS Wellness.

Exit polls reveal delegates felt “energized” and “moved”  by the convention’s message plus pleasantly “surprised” by the District’s commitment to changing the status quo of the York Suburban Opening Day format.


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