Loopy for Looping at Valley View Elementary

Submitted by Dr. Tawn Ketterman


Kindergarten 2015-2016

The students and families of Mrs. Lindsay Hill’s first grade classroom at Valley View Elementary had an exceptionally smooth start to the school year—because they LOOPED!.

What is Looping? Looping is when a teacher and class stay together from one year to the next.  Mrs. Hill had 19 fantastic students in her classroom last year.  When enrollment created the need for an additional first grade teacher at Valley View, Mrs. Hill volunteered to LOOP with her class! The students remained in tact as a class of 19 and were assigned to Mrs. Hill for first grade.  The greatest benefit to looping is that learning time is optimized! No time is lost to getting to know students, teaching routines, and fostering peer relations—because it is all known from the previous year.  Mrs. Hill was able to begin instruction on Day 1 and pick up right where they left off.  In addition, student and family relationships are already established, This creates a high level of comfort and trust, which makes the transition from half day kindergarten to full day first grade so much easier!  This is one lucky—and close-knit class!


First Grade 2016-2017