East York Plans ‘Diversity’ Mosaic Mural

Mosaic artist Justin Ayala is silhouetted against a slide showing the plans for a mural at East York Elementary School.

Mosaic artist Justin Ayala is silhouetted against a slide showing the plans for a mural at East York Elementary School.

On Monday, October 26, artist Justin Ayala outlined how he  will be working with all students and staff to complete a mosaic mural at East York Elementary School.  The artwork should be completed by the end of  December.

The theme for the mural project is Diversity with the title “We may be different and unique, yet we are one East York Family”.

Students enjoyed a kick-off assembly with the artist in which he shared a brief history of how he became an artist, how he became interested in mosaic work, and what made him decide to be involved in the arts as a career.