Cruising Into Post Prom for 15th Year

Post Prom celebrated its 15th anniversary on Saturday-Sunday, May 16-17, with the theme “Cruise Into Post Prom.”

Coordinated by Angie Deroche and Christine Kates, 200 students attended the fun-filled evening following the prom at the Valencia Ballroom.

Students took part in casino games, inflatable games, saw a hypnotist, a caricaturist, temporary tattoo artists, a cafe singer, and a DJ.  Games included karaoke, shuffleboard, and bingo.

And, with a cruise theme, there was — of course — food.

The back hallway of the school was turned into a “Memory Lane” featuring photographs of graduating seniors through their school years.

At the end of the evening, students were eligible to win gift certificates, Hershey Park tickets, VISA cards, and cash prizes.