Education Foundation Tribute Cards

Honor a teacher, administrator, staff member or community member while helping to fund the YS Education Foundation. Tribute cards are a unique gift to be given in addition to or instead of other holiday presents, but can also be used to commemorate birthdays, retirements, births, anniversaries and as memorials in the case of bereavement.

  • Tribute cards can be made in any amount from $5.00 upwards and can be a gift from an indi­vidual or a group.
  • The amount of the donation for the Tribute Card is always kept confidential.
  • The Tribute Card will be sent to you for delivery to the honoree at your discretion.
  • Proceeds will go directly back to the students and staff in the form of grants.

Fill out a tribute card order form from our website,, and deliver it to any school district building office or submit it with payment to:  

 York Suburban Education Foundation

1800 Hollywood Drive York, PA 17403

 YSEF accepts cash or checks. Checks should be made payable to York Suburban Education Foundation.  Upon receipt of the completed order form, a tribute card will be sent to you to deliver at your discretion.


Please note, contributions are tax deductible. A list of all honorees receiving a tribute will appear on the YSEF website and in a future YS PRIDE newsletter.