Books, Authors and Dangerous(?) Pie at YSMS

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On Monday, March 14th, popular young adult fiction author, Jordan Sonnenblick, spent the day with students and faculty of York Suburban Middle School. He gave two morning one-hour presentations in the auditorium – one to 6th grade and one to 7th/8th grade during which he revealed not only his inspirations for his books but also the things that make a person happy – pursuing their dreams , doing what they have a passion for, and then using that to help someone else.

For one hour in the afternoon, Jordan held a participatory writer’s workshop for 40 students. Students had the experience of listening to some tips on how to develop a story, the opportunity to write and share a short story starter and participate in a Question and Answer period with Mr. Sonnenblick.  Throughout the day, he also personally autographed students’ copies of his books.

YSMS English Language Arts teachers organized several ways for students to engage in and celebrate Mr. Sonnenblick’s visit.  Miss Jennifer Arcuri’s  8th grade students produced individual video book talks of a Sonnenblick book they read as part of a content. The winning six students had a pizza lunch with Jordan and the opportunity to discuss writing with him. Mr. Eric Hoffman’s sixth grade students painted t-shirts related to one of the books they read including the theme or message of the book.  Because it was 3/14 (Pi Day) and Jordan’s first book is Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie, pie desserts were available in the library for the luncheon dessert and for all YSMS staff!

In preparation for Mr. Sonnenblick’s visit, YSMS held a One Author, One School event encouraging every student and staff member to read at least one of his books throughout the school year.  Jordan has written many popular books:  Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie, After Ever After, Notes From the Midnight Driver, Curveball: The Year I Lost My Grip, Zen and the Art of Faking It, Are You Experienced?  and his soon to be released new book,  Falling Over Sideways.