YSMS Student Excellence Awards

 SEAMagnetOn Thursday, February 11, 2016, York Suburban Middle School celebrated academic and behavioral excellence during their first ever Student Excellence Awards. Each grade level gathered in the auditorium for an opportunity to recognize students in the first and second marking periods that made Distinguished Honor Roll, Honor Roll, and exhibited positive behavioral choices. Each group was called onto the stage to be recognized and have their picture taken. These pictures will shower the halls of YSMS in support of “A Community of Encouragement. A Culture of Excellence.” There will be another presentation of  Student Excellence Awards following the third marking period.  Special thanks goes to the YSMS School Wide Behavior Support Committee that coordinated the event: Kim Adams, Karen Albert, Lisa Arcuri-Brosi, Scott Krauser, Todd Monos, Gina Neiderer, Jim Noel, Jeff Ohl , Scott Payne, Jason Showvaker, and Jason Soullaird.

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