YSHS Teacher Wins MIT Award

York Suburban High School science teacher Leigh Foy (left) is presented with her MIT award by Lucie Wilkens, Director of the MIT Club of the Delaware Valley.

York Suburban High School science teacher Leigh Foy (left) is presented with her MIT award by Lucie Wilkens, Director of the MIT Club of the Delaware Valley.

Leigh Foy, a York Suburban High School science teacher, has received a 2015 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Inspirational Teacher Award.

Students at MIT nominate high school teachers who inspired them through dedicated and motivating teaching.  Mrs. Foy was nominated by MIT student, Phong Vo.  In his nomination statement he shared these thoughts:

Dear Mrs. Foy:  Thank you so much for everything you have done for me throughout the past four years. You have always been more to me than just a teacher; you have been a mentor. You have always listened to my many stories, whether they were told in sadness because I was going through a tough time, told in excitement because I just learned a new science concept, told in distress because I was struggling with my many academic obligations, or told in confusion because I was trying to decide between various options.  You listened. You advised. You helped. But most importantly, you understood, cared, and supported.  Because of you, I have garnered a stronger commitment in the pursuit of learning.  You have taught me how to learn effectively, to pose probing questions, and to seek the answers using logic. I am proud to be able to call you my teacher.

As part of the award, Mrs. Foy is invited to access resources at MIT that  “will contribute to even greater success for you as an educator,” according to the citation.   It continued: “Your inspiring work has contributed to the success of your students and, through them, to the success of our Institute and to the future of our world.”