First grade students use a SMART table.

In 2011 the York Suburban Education Foundation (YSEF) received $16,000 in Educational Improvement Tax Credit donations to be used for advancements in education.

YSEF used this year’s EITC monies to grant SMART Response Software in the elementary classroom and three SMART Tables in the early elementary classroom.  The SMART tables are on wheels and will be accessible to all grade levels within each building.  Up to eight students can work together on the SMART tables at one time. The tables use interactive activities to review math and reading skills. 

Computer Teacher Kevin Wilson says “Kids today are really tech-savvy.  The SMART tables allow students a unique way to not only build cognitive skills but also social and fine motor skills.”   As the students progress in their learning, teamwork and collaboration are required to make the SMART tables work.

In other YSEF news, David Hogg has been named a member of YSEF board.



Find out who’s smarter than a 5th grader!

Saturday, January 21, at 7 p.m.