YS Dollars for Scholars 2019 Battle of the Buildings

Submitted by Stephanie Sullivan, DFS Treasurer

Plans are underway to organize the 8th Battle of the Buildings event.  Past organizers Jamie Evans and Eric Hoffman are looking forward to participating as competitors this next time around. YS Dollars for Scholars is very excited for Eric and Jamie and so thankful for their years of leadership for this event. They will be missed. Since the 2019 BOB aligns with the 20th anniversary of YS Dollars for Scholars, we are calling on the Suburban community to help us put together an amazing and fun event. Volunteers are needed for: Building representatives, games, officials, announcers, tickets, concessions, raffles, and set-up/clean up.  If you or anyone you know is interested in helping in any way please contact Pam Rice at 717-880-4113, email parrice@comcast.net.

About BOB:  Every other year Dollars for Scholars co-ordinates BOB (Battle of the Buildings).   This is a fun-filled family friendly competition involving faculty and staff from the 6 YS buildings and a team of Juniors and a team of Seniors from the high school. The event is scheduled for January 26, 2019. For general information about Dollars for Scholars please contact Karen Evans at underdog_kge@comcast.net.