Art Portfolio Show Displays Student’s Hard Work


     Some very popular electives at Suburban are the art classes. These include drawing, painting, photo classes, ceramics, and a general crafts class. The students in these classes often don’t get a chance to show off their art work unless they show it to their parents or peers. But twice each year, the Art Portfolio display gives the opportunity for the art wing to show off their talent.

    The Art Portfolio display is a student run show that is done once in January and another time in May towards the end of the semester. Every student that is enrolled in an art class at Suburban has a display that they set up and lay out. Their displayed will be opened for the whole school to view.

    The show doesn’t last long so students and parents who want to see it must make sure they come in on Thursday, May 23 between 7:30 in the morning to 7:30 at night to check out the show before they tear it down until next year.

    The display simply features the artwork of the kids in art classes. The artwork of the drawing class, photo, ceramics and crafts classes will appear. To see the display just go to the art wing in the high school by the cafeteria. The display will be in the classroom hallway so it will be easy to see.

    When Karen Fornadel, one of the art teachers, was asked how long the school has held the Art Portfolio display, she responded, “I’ve been here for nine years and I’d say it was happening when I started, so ten years or more.” It has been a long time running with the display and each year seems to be a success.

    There are no rewards to give out to kids, but the display is part of the student’s final grade in their art class. The grade is determined by which artwork the student chooses to feature and how they choose to display it in a way that catches the eye.

    The Art Portfolio display is a big show. The art teachers have a lot of students and each student has many works of art. Overall, there are probably 500 students featuring their works of art in the show this year! We should all get out to support them by checking out the display, even if you’re just passing by on your way to class. Pay a compliment to the person who made it and admire the beauty of the arts.

About Bailey Cross