The benefit of free healthcare, and why America does not have it

by Ariel Rivera

Free health care has been in conversation nationally and is heavily desired by many Americans. 

Americans all throughout the country are struggling to pay their medical bills and insurance which results in people spending thousands a year. The average U.S. consumer can spend more than $10,000 a year on healthcare. This is more than 50% of what people in other countries would be spending. 

According to, “About 44 million people in this country have no health insurance, and another 38 million have inadequate health insurance.” So what happens when someone may actually need health insurance or health care? If they do not have the money are they just going to deal with the problem and risk losing their life

While there are different health insurance options, why should hard working people have to pay for healthcare, especially if it is a time where they are in dire need of assistance? 

According to The US Debt Clock America is over twenty-six trillion dollars in national debt so that would definitely be a key role in this debate. Also America’s society is based more on the idea that the government’s interference being little.

Besides the reasons America does not have free healthcare, there are reasons to having free healthcare that would benefit society. One positive to free healthcare is that the government would pay regardless of the ability to pay. According to The Balance, “Countries often combine universal health coverage with other systems to introduce competition.” 

There are systems that help pay back the money such as pay as time goes, prepay, and private insurance companies. These could lower cost, expand choices, and even improve healthcare. Universal healthcare can create a healthier workforce. Governments also could create rules that will push people to make healthier decisions.

Sophomore Brayden Corey thinks free healthcare would be beneficial. He said, “There are many people who can’t afford health care who are sick or injured.” He added, “However, with free healthcare there is an affect economically. Obviously taxes would increase. I personally believe the heightened taxes would be worth it for greater health across the country.” In order for anything to be done about free healthcare, the people of the United States will have to push for change and make it known that this is desired.