Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl Welcomed Home

Back in 2009, during war in Afghanistan sergeant Bowe Bergdahl went missing from his platoon. He has spent 5 grueling years, captivated by the enemies soldiers. Many in his platoon, even to this day, claim that he abandoned his platoon, costing many of them their lives. Others claim he is a hero. But what is the background story?

It was June 30, 2009 when sergeant Bergdahl walked off away from his platoon, allegedly because of growing disillusioned with America’s wars. His fellow soldiers from the 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, were instructed not to say anything when they came home, for fear of endangering him, but since he is now home and safe, they speak the truth. The truth is: “ Bergdahl was a deserter, and soldiers from his own unit died trying to track him down”.

The Army has concluded that Bergdahl will be charged with desertion and could be denied as much as $300,000 in paybacks and bonuses, along with being reduced in rank to at least private first class.

Many believe that Bergdahl willingly walked away from his unit just months after being deployed to Paktika province in eastern Afghanistan. However, many also believe that he did nothing wrong, claiming that “He fought for us…. Let’s fight for him”, saying that he was captured while sitting in makeshift latrine. Who is right?

Bergdahl’s parents have received emails, boxes, and books from him while in captivity, where he claimed that he was “ashamed to even be an American”, or “The future is too good to waste on lies. And life is too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong.”

Now the time comes when someone has to make a decision about what must be done. Is Bergdahl a hero or a deserter? The best is hoped for Bergdahl but justice whatever, that may be needs to be determined and served.

Bowe Bergdahl in his uniform because going to Afghanistan.

Bowe Bergdahl in his uniform because going to Afghanistan.