Later school start times have no benefit

Later schools start times may have no benefit. There have been many studies conducted disproving the few studies of the National Sleep Foundation and the American academy of pediatrics suggesting teen needs 8.5 to 9.25 hours of sleep per night. 7 to 8 hours of sleep is more than sufficient. Optimal brain function occurs in 4 sleep cycles, which would be only 6 hours. Sleep deprivation in a generally healthy population also is not nearly as bad as the sleep aids companies want Americans to believe.

Could there be other factors sleep studies do not observe? Yes, for example, homework amounts have increased dramatically. This forces beta brainwave production past 7 at night. Beta waves, responsible for focus and concentration, are elevated by stress (homework) and beverages like coffee. As is apparent, the brain does not have time to sink into an alpha or theta state before going to bed. These being the brainwaves that enable function of the melatonin within the the brain.

Other research shows people sleeping 5 to 6 hours a night are more productive and less careless. In fact, a University of California, San Diego study concluded that those sleeping 5-7 hours were far healthier. Not only healthier, but they were less likely to develop depression induced insomnia.

Students at YSSD have varied opinions. Freshman Chase Moul believes 6 to 8 hours of sleep is sufficient. However, he regularly receives 4 hours of sleep as a result of homework overload. Freshman Cameron Feeser regularly receives 7 hours. He claims to not feel sleep deprived, and is satisfied with the 8 am start time.

Could there be other reasons later school start time are better? Based on the lifestyle Americans have today, certainly there is. Many Americans are chronically dehydrated and undernourished. The result, widespread daytime fatigue occurs in the nation most often not only a byproduct of sleep deprivation. Poor diet causes decreased circulation, so being awake a few more hours before school would theoretically let water balance be reset; therefore, it would induce alertness.

It is apparent that people need sleep, but maybe less than once thought. The general take away message is school start times are fine. With lifestyle changes, sleep needs can be reduced, and going to bed early is possible. Homework can be done in the morning instead of at night to reduce stress and cure insomnia. For most people, 6 to 8 hours of sleep is more than sufficient.

An insight into how the sleep deprived see an alarm.

An insight into how the sleep deprived see an alarm.