Message from the Superintendent


I am pleased to invite you to Let’s Talk YS, an opportunity for open dialogue between community members and the Superintendent.  There are two programs scheduled to accommodate as many participants as possible.  Please consider joining us on Tuesday, April 25, 6:30-8:00PM and/or Wednesday, April 26, 10:00-11:30AM in the Education Center.

Come with an agenda or just to listen and share. I am particularly eager to chat about how to create a more inclusive community. How much a part of the YS community do you feel? How could we make you and others feel more welcome? Do all students feel safe? Do all students feel valued? Please consider joining me to share your thoughts on these questions and any other topic you would like to discuss. If you have no specific agenda, come out and meet others and just listen.

It is only through continued open dialogue that we can learn and grow as an organization. Your input and feedback is vitally important to the continued success of the York Suburban School District. We are:  A Community of Encouragement.  A Culture of Excellence.