Students Rewarded for Middle School PRIDE

Recently the students of Mrs. Peterson’s LIU Autism Support Class at York Suburban Middle School were treated to a pizza lunch and special seating in the cafeteria by the custodian Mr. Jeff Murray. This was a reward for the student’s participation in taking care of the school building.

Everyday the entire class helps to clean the cafeteria tables and chairs. Mr. Jeff reports that this is a great help to him and also shows that students care about their environment.

Twice a day a student does “hall duty” by picking up trash, pencils, and other objects from the floor in the hallways. The trash is thrown away, the pencils are sanitized and then used by the classroom, books and other items are taken to the office. Three times a week a student dusts the locker tops. Students wear  badges with the job title when performing these duties just as they would in an actual worksite. These jobs help to provide critical pre-vocational training for the students, help to teach them to take care of their environment and provide a valuable service to the school. As the students recently found out, it also sometimes ends in a tasty reward!