High School Introduces New Courses for 2017-18

Submitted by Dr. Brian Ellis


The high school is excited to offer three new courses next school year. The courses are titled: Building & Programming Small Machines, Digital Design II, and Research Passion Project.   Each new course targets developing student interests.   Building & Programming Small Machines builds on our traditional computer programming courses to teach students how to program “gadgets.”  Students will develop the circuitry for small electronic devices and then program them to functions.  Examples include garage door openers and simple musical keyboards.   Digital Design II builds on the introductory Digital Design course allowing students to dive more deeply into digital art, including desktop publishing and computer tablet based artistic design.   Finally, Research Passion Project gives the students opportunities to engage in research, not unlike what they experience in English class, but includes the opportunity to develop action steps to address their “passion”.   

The Applied Technology department has also reorganized to provide more targeted options for students including courses related to Cabinetmaking, Carpentry/Construction, Computer Fabrication, and Furniture Design.   The high school is excited to see these offerings begin in 2017-18!
