Working Out at the Brain Gym

Submitted by Dr. Tawn Ketterman


Students at Valley View Elementary are hitting the gym and building their muscles—their academic muscles that is!  Brain research supports the link of movement and physical activity to increased academic performance.  Thanks to a generous grant from York Suburban’s Educational Foundation, Valley View staff have created a BRAIN GYM in a former classroom.  Teachers and intervention aides take small groups of students to the BRAIN GYM to jump rope, hula hoop, army crawl through tunnels, use agility ladders, pedal stationary bikes, jump on a mini-tramp and balance on various boards and blocks—-ALL WHILE PRACTICING AND REVIEWING ACADEMIC CONTENT. Students are practicing spelling words, math facts, vocabulary words, letters and letter sounds all while their bodies are moving on the various BRAIN GYM equipment.  Movement builds a framework for learning and directly corresponds to how information is processed.  Using more of the senses increases the function of the frontal lobe, thus growing new brain cells in the memory center (hippocampus) of the brain.  The program promotes self-esteem, cooperation, communication, and reduces stress—-and students LOVE it!
