Hour of Code

Submitted by Marilyn Henning

Every year, code.org hosts a week-long event called “Hour of Code.” Computer Science Educatiocoden Week was December 5-11.

The purpose of this event is to foster student interest in computer coding. The events have received much press and media attention. York Suburban School District has hosted its own coding time over the past few years. Did you know in just three years, at least 10% of all students on the planet have tried the Hour of Code? This year the elementary and primary buildings are participating thanks to our amazing technology teachers Mrs. Barron and Mr. Evans.  Classroom teachers and families are invited to participate and continue to learn the basics of coding, and may continue to access coding activities on our For Student tab at www.yssd.org.  Check out Hour of Code for more information.

Some students finished all 20 level of the coding activity!