Read Across America Week at Yorkshire Elementary

Submitted by Mrs. Kathy Pavoncello

Yorkshire Elementary students spent the final days of February celebrating Read Across America Week. Each day presented a new opportunity to dress in a way relating to a Dr. Seuss book theme. One day was dedicated to The Sneetches, allowing students and staff to dress in bright neon colors, and use their creativity to express individual uniqueness.  Another day was dedicated to random acts of kindness, modeling Horton in Horton Hears a Who and Horton Lays an Egg. Of course, Wacky Wednesday was great fun with all of the mismatched outfits and crazy hair! Animals were on parade, via shirts, socks, and even costumes to celebrate the book, If I Ran the Zoo. Finally, the week culminated in the big celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday! Red and white stripes were everywhere that day, as a nod to The Cat in the Cat.  Yorkie Bear and Queen Bee paid a visit to share the concept of “Drop Everything And Read” and sing “Dr. Seuss. We Love You”! What a fun Seussical Week, indeed!